

Features To Make Your Construction Company Website Stand Out

There are many components to a great website, from design, development and content.

But there are specific features that when applied make for a high-quality construction company website. Adding these unique features can help create a better experience for your user and contribute to the generation of leads.

That said, we’re here to tell you what features you should be including on construction company website to ensure you’re on the right track for success.

Services Page

Workers on a Construction Site

The content on your homepage can only tell the user so much about your construction company. By creating a Services page, you can dedicate content and images to showcase everything that your construction company can do for the user. Not only that, because when placed in your navigation menu, you shorten the journey for the user who is wanting to know whether you can provide the solutions they are after.

Case Studies

Once the user has been enticed by your engaging content and attractive design, they’re going to want to see if the same quality is reflected in your physical work. By displaying case studies enriched with images and content, you can provide the user with the knowledge and reassurance that they can expect a high level of service.

Team construction engineers working at construction site with blueprint on table.

Integrated Reviews

Through a number of available platforms like TrustPilot, REVIEWS and Google Reviews, you can easily integrate your customer feedback allowing them to take centre stage on your website. This will allow new users to view the feedback and opinions of your previous clients to help them make a decision. Of course, your reviews should be full to the brim with 5 stars, so it will help towards generating leads and pushing users into getting in touch.


Settling on a construction company to bring your vision to life is a big decision, so as a company who are wanting to inform the user that they are the best around, you need to make sure you are doing everything in your power to demonstrate your work, your services and your professional yet friendly approach. By adding a whole gallery feature in which you can add all the pictures surrounding your company including team pictures, pictures of your work and any other images that rightly represent what you’re all about.

Enquiry Form

Every little detail of your website should continue to upkeep a level of quality and attention to your user’s experience. So, when it comes to getting in touch with your construction company, you need to create a means of contact that covers all bases. This includes efficient enquiry and contact forms that can be made to cater your available services and help the user tell you when kind of solution they are after, thus speeding up the enquiry process. This will prove easier for you and will demonstrate great UX for the user.

Client Portal

To provide a truly bespoke experience for your users, your website can provide a client portal in which users can use to access details like their project’s progress, invoices and who is working on their team. This can be accessed via a password and username and ultimately helps demonstrates your businesses professionalism.

Limely’s design and development team have plenty of experience creating bespoke portals for their clients. Click here to see some of our work!

Your Process

To further entice new clients, you could create a new feature in which stylishly displays your construction process. This not only lays out what the user can expect if they use your services but actively demonstrates your expertise and professionalism. This can be added to using images, animations and even bespoke graphics to really make it your own.

Are you looking for a great, effective construction company website? Well, look no further than Limely!

Niko Moustoukas


When Niko isn’t coding and helping clients, you’ll find him playing poker with friends and Greek dancing to his favourite tunes 🪩

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