
Web Design

Becoming A Web Designer: Our Top 10 Tips


So, you’ve got the creative itch, a passion for aesthetics and a desire to make the web a prettier place?

Well, buckle up because we’re about to show you how to become a web designer! In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can kick-start your career in web design from scratch. So whether you’ve just finished college and are deciding what your next steps are or you’re thinking of having a mid-career change of direction, we’re here to inspire you to tap into your interest and launch your career as a web designer! Without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Tap into your creativity

Having a creative flair and strong imagination is possibly the most important aspect of a successful web designer so don’t be afraid to let your creativity run wild! Web design is all about blending artistry and functionality. So, start by exploring various design styles, browsing through inspiring websites, and paying attention to visual elements that catch your eye. Experiment with colours, typography, and layouts to develop your unique design sensibilities and find out where your strengths lie.

2. Learn the fundamentals

Before diving headfirst into the exciting stuff, it’s absolutely essential to understand the basics of web design. Familiarise yourself with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – the holy trinity of web design. Don’t let this scare you though, you don’t have to be a coding genius right away, but you must have a solid grasp of how this software impacts design and vice versa. Begin with online tutorials, interactive courses and even YouTube videos to help break down these complex languages into easily digestible chunks that will become the foundations of your future web design career.

3. Tools of the trade

No matter what industry you operate in, every designer needs their trusty set of tools to ensure they can create their best possible designs. Start by getting comfortable with common design software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, this software is a dominant force within the design industry and will help you create stunning visuals and graphics. Additionally, familiarise yourself with popular prototyping tools such as Sketch or Figma to bring your designs to life in the form of a website.

4. Get hands-on experience

Theory is great, but practice always makes perfect! It’s best to start building your portfolio by taking on small projects for friends, family, or local businesses. Offer your services at a discounted rate initially to gain experience and showcase your talent. Remember, it’s all about honing your skills and creating a body of work that reflects your style and capabilities so when you come to applying for jobs, you feel confident in your abilities and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.

5. Stay curious and keep learning

The web design landscape is ever-evolving, just like the world of technology! Therefore, it’s absolutely crucial to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies. Follow design blogs, join online communities and attend industry events or webinars to truly immerse yourself in the world of web design and keep your finger on the pulse of all the latest developments, tools and trends. Surround yourself with fellow designers and engage in discussions to exchange ideas and learn from one another. Embrace the joy of continuous learning!

6. Build a strong online presence

As a web designer, your online presence truly is your calling card! Be sure your create a website that showcases your portfolio and highlights your skills in the best possible light. Additionally, optimise your website for search engines to increase visibility and leverage social media platforms such as Instagram and Dribbble to get in front of the right audience and connect with potential clients or employers.

7. Network, network, network!

Networking might sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Attend design meet ups or join online communities where you can connect with like-minded individuals. Collaborate on projects, seek feedback, and learn from professionals already established in the industry. Building strong relationships can open doors to exciting opportunities.

8. Embrace feedback and criticism

As you progress in your web design journey, remember that constructive criticism is the best way to learn, grow and excel at what you do. Be open to feedback and use it to your advantage. Being defensive about criticism will only stifle your growth so be sure to embrace the mindset of continuous improvement and you’ll see yourself soar. Why not join design forums or seek feedback from seasoned professionals?

9. Learn to sell yourself

One of the aspects that many web designers struggle with when it comes to applying for web design jobs is not having the confidence to sell themselves. To avoid this, be sure to prepare – after all, failing to prepare is preparing to fail! If you’ve got a beautiful online portfolio and are passionate about what you do, what have you got to lose? To build a little more confidence, you could seek additional accreditations in areas such as colour theory or Adobe accredited courses.

10. Stay passionate and persistent

Just like any creative field, web design can be challenging at times. It’s absolutely key that you don’t let setbacks discourage you! Stay passionate about your craft and persevere through the bumps along the way. Trust in your abilities, believe in yourself and keep pushing forward – Success comes to those who persist!

Congratulations, you’re now armed with some handy advice to kick-start your career in the field of web design. Remember, it’s a journey of constant growth and exploration, so embrace the challenges, nurture your creativity and let your designs leave a lasting impact on the web!


Director / Designer

When Adam isn’t designing websites, you can find him running ultramarathons, cooking up a storm in the Limely kitchen and getting stuck into DIY 🪚

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