

What Is Tangential Content?

Paul Gregory

Want to get ahead of the competition? Tangential content could be the key!

Tangential content refers to information or material that is related to your product or service offering (main topic) but isn’t directly connected to it.  Content that explores related ideas, concepts and discussions that may be interesting or relevant to the main topic but diverge away from it can be described as tangential content. We know what you’re thinking, that’s all great but how does it help me and my business? Fear not! We’re about to answer your burning questions and show you exactly how tangential content can drive growth for your brand.

The role of tangential content

Tangential content is a tool that can be used to provide additional context, perspectives and insights that enhance the experience for website users as it helps their overall understanding of your main topic area. Tangential content can be used to add depth, spark new ideas or create a broader context for the main topic of discussion and is a fantastic tool for boosting your SEO efforts.

Whilst you may feel that you can’t even create enough content to cover everything directly related to your main topic, never mind think about content that diverges away from your offering, tangential content definitely has its place in every marketing strategy. For businesses whose offering is extremely niche or (forgive us) very dry and boring, tangential content provides an opportunity to branch out to reach people who are engaging with content that is relevant but not directly connected to your unique offering.

A brilliant example of this is the UK’s leading supplier of beds, the one and only Dreams. Whilst Dreams are renowned for producing outstanding beds, their blog posts and articles feature a great deal of tangential content that drives user engagement, positions the brand as thought leaders and reaches a much wider audience than they would have done if they solely focused on writing posts about beds and their features.

Dreams have an inspiration area within their website that is dedicated to providing interior inspiration whether it is for master bedrooms, spare rooms, children’s rooms or living rooms. This can be described as tangential content as the topics are very much related to the main topic, but are much more broad than that.

Why utilise tangential content?

Tangential content is a brilliant tool for many reasons. As tangential content is only loosely or indirectly related to your niche or field, it allows you to explore lesser-known and less competitive angles, providing greater opportunities to rank highly within the SERPs. Not only that, it allows you to expand your remit of target keywords and increase your keyword rankings. Furthermore, valuable tangential content can also provide some fantastic backlink opportunities so be sure to make the content as engaging and current as can be to increase your chances of gaining backlinks and building authority.

Whilst lots of tangential content consists of blog posts and articles, it also encompasses infographics, calculators and other interactive graphics. Therefore, you can be creative with incorporating this type of content into your website and experiment with various content formats to see which works best for your unique business.

Need a helping hand with creating tangential content to improve your brand awareness, boost SEO rankings and reach new audiences? Talk to us today to see how we can help you drive results!

Paul Gregory

SEO Manager

When Paul isn’t executing expert SEO strategies, you’ll find him rapping along to Warren G and showing off his skills on Football Manager ⚽️

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